Financial Inclusion Diagnostic Report - A Summary

author: Ahmad Alawneh, Islam Abd Al Jawad, Raheeq Hurani, Rabeh Morrar, Islam Rabee, Habib Hin, Wafa Al-Bitawi
year: 2023

When the concept of financial inclusion was first introduced and later popularised by the World Bank, it focused on issues of access to financial products and services. While this is an extremely limited understanding of financial inclusion, access nevertheless remains one key aspect of financial inclusion. This section outlines the supply of financial products and services, and the extent to which people can access them. It shows that the provision of financial products and services is concentrated in the West Bank, particularly in the Ramallah governorate. However, residents of the Gaza Strip report easier access to providers, given the dense geography of the Strip. While banking services (including ATMs) are widely considered easy to access, other financial institutions - such as brokerage and leasing firms - are considered less easy to access. This may indicate a lack of awareness about such firms. For many, the key issue shaping access to commercial, financial products and services (including Islamic finance) is a lack of income.

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