Resource mobilization strategy 2019-2021

The overall objective of the RMS is to secure the necessary funds in 2019-2021 to deliver on the Agency’s mandate, in line with the five strategic outcomes set out in the UNRWA Medium-term Strategy for 2019-2021 (MTS). This will require sufficient, predictable, and  sustained contributions  to the Agency’s human development and emergency operations, which are funded through its Programme
Budget and Emergency Appeals. The current RMS has been developed in consultations with a range of donors as well as host countries.

While the Agency will continue to rely on the generous support of its traditional partners, broadening the base
of resources, partners will remain at the center of this new RMS, with a focus on regional donors, emerging donors, International Financing Institutions (IFIs), and private and digital giving. On its side, the Agency remains committed
to its reform agenda under the MTS to increase the efficiency and quality of its services, as its contribution to achieving financial sustainability.

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