نشرة الاقتصاد الفلسطيني
جديد الاقتصاد الفلسطيني (English Only) - تشرين الأول/الثاني 2023
- The war on the Gaza Strip has caused a catastrophic humanitarian situation, with over 60% of housing destroyed or damaged, severe water and food shortages, and a dire displacement crisis affecting 1.7 million individuals. Buildings, infrastructure, and essential services like healthcare and WASH facilities are extensively damaged.
- Escalating violence and restrictions in the West Bank are causing further economic hardships. Severe access limitations, closure of checkpoints, and economic losses have intensified humanitarian needs.
- International aid efforts, including a UN Flash Appeal, seek $1.2 billion to address the Gaza and West Bank crisis. About 21% of this amount was covered by 28 November. Despite disruptions in developmental aid, humanitarian assistance continues.
- Palestine faces a severe economic downturn that extends beyond the destruction caused by the war in Gaza. Early estimates show an across-the-board decline in production, investment, private consumption, and trade. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost, and unemployment rates are expected to reach unprecedented levels, exacerbating existing socioeconomic challenges.
- This special Update summarizes the main socio-economic information produced by international development and humanitarian agencies since the War began.